
Hey There! I'm Kye Sook

Born and brought up in South Korea, Kye Sook Park graduated from Dongguk university in Seoul with a MA in Education and a BA in Fine Art. She also studied in London Chelsea College and Kings College Cambridge. She currently lives in the United Kingdom where she holds exhibitions of her lastest paintings.

Most of her work in oriental painting reflects the feelings of the artist and emphasises the themes of images, rather than drawing the object as it is. As well as emotions, the spaces left untouched are very important in Korean painting.

Park’s work mainly expresses the moving world of human life, using rapid sketching for capturing those precious feelings at the very moment they occur. The essence and philosophy of Indian ink are expressed, as well as varieties of pencils and brushes to represent positive and negative. In these pictures the road represents Park’s life and the trees can be seen as the people she encounters, friends and family. She and her friends are then able to share a mutual appreciation of the view over which they look.

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